Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I am a Sharer & a Swearer!

Sharing is definitely me! 
As my tennis friends know, Swearing is too!

The diagnosis has been a shock to me, my family, and friends.  I thought this would be a wonderful forum for me to openly express my thoughts and feelings to help me with the emotional healing. Not talking about feelings results in increased anxiety for me. I get a tremendous sense of "calm" when I talk, cry, lament and laugh about this horrendous journey that I am about to embark.  So, please communicate with me as you wish. Let me apologize in advance if I over share, but this is why I am blogging, so you can follow or not. Also, I was a math teacher, not an English teacher, so forgive the run on sentences, fragmented sentences, spelling errors, split infinitives, or other grammatical errors that there might be.

I called my lovely and talented daughter Alexandra to help me start the sharing process.

Alexandra is 25 and lives in Kansas City, Missouri.  She graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in Industrial Design.  She is now a designer at Hallmark.  She navigated the whole process and now I have a beautiful blog!!

Alexandra called me and said that I needed to give the blog a name. Cancer is an Asshole...Fuck Cancer...Cancer sucks, Lynnie's little lump (that was Ralph's idea) were a few of my thoughts. Alexandra had a great idea! She said that there is a fashion blog called "Cupcakes and Cashmere" and she suggested "Cupcakes and Cancer".  I thought she was teasing, but as I thought about it, I really liked it!  Blogging about the bad stuff as well as a little frosting or good stuff.  The positive & the negative.

"Going through loss and grief is like going through a tunnel.   The bad news is the tunnel is dark.  The good news is once you have entered into the tunnel, you're already on your way out."

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